This annual colloquium is designed to update and develop the capacity of IP experts to support their economies' independent research, policy analysis and teaching in the field of IP law. The 2025 edition was launched by WTO Deputy Director-General Johanna Hill, in the presence of Hasan Kleib, WIPO Deputy Director General.
In her opening remarks, DDG Hill emphasized the significance of the colloquium as a testament to the collaborative partnership between the WTO and WIPO. “The synergies between our two organizations have been key to supporting our members as they navigate the complex, constantly evolving landscape of intellectual property and its implications for global trade and economic development,” she said.
The event also provides opportunities for experience-sharing between participants and the WTO and WIPO secretariats. In addition, participants will engage with leading international research colleagues to explore practical strategies for improving research methodologies in the light of emerging international best practice and for contributing effectively to policy-making processes.
Launched in 2003, the WTO-WIPO colloquium for IP teachers is also an opportunity to establish and strengthen contacts between the WTO, WIPO and IP experts, with a view to continuing dialogue and cooperation in teaching and research in the field of intellectual property. Over the past 20 years, the colloquium has provided capacity-building for more than 400 IP experts from across the world.
A copy of the Colloquium programme is available here.